Happy Chinese New Year from the Lewises!
Our little princess finally had her stints removed last week and we seemed to almost have a new girl!
We will see about how recovery goes after the palate surgery, since we have heard it is very difficult and .... well awful for a couple weeks for ALL involved. However at this point the stints seemed pretty miserable for Glory and horrid for us to have to medicate her nose and clean it often. It does not seem at all as sore now, although she still does not appreciate anyone touching her near her nose at all. So very thankful for time at home! And yes even dreary days, which seem to lend to perfect chilly evenings just cuddling up with stories by the fire. Or to be a little more realistic, there are also those evenings where we are all going a little stir crazy waiting for warm longer summer days, and instead run around like crazy banchies and attack Dad (quietly of course while mom puts Glory to bed.=0) and wrestle the poor guy to the ground, 3:1
Chinese New Year party with other families from the area that have adopted from China. I did not include photos of the other families without permission.
No Glory , No! At least go for a purple car or something!!
Just kidding. Who knows. We might even have MORE Lightning McQueen birthdays on the horizon!
Yes, it was probably only 40 degrees in Cashmere today... but when your 3 year old says "what's a picnic" - it's time NOT to wait until it is warm to eat his lunch outside. I could see them perfectly well enough from the warm other side of the window...of COURSe i couldn't be out there with them since i needed to feed Glory.=0)
Best part of my day might have been finding a 'secret' early valentine from our Reedy on my rocking chair.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! May you ponder God's love for YOU all day long!